

We’ve all had those moments. The ones where you look in the mirror and nothing feels ok looking back at you. For Anita Bhagwandas, this started when she was a child growing up in South Wales, and it created an enduring internal torment about her looks. We’re all told that this sadness is just part of ‘being a woman’. We’re encouraged to obsess over it and go to any length to change it, but we’re also ordered to ‘just love ourselves’ from every corner of the internet. But what if there was another way out of the beauty myth? In ‘Ugly’, Anita uncovers where these beauty standards started.

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SKU: 9781788704755 Category: Tag:


We’ve all had those moments. The ones where you look in the mirror and nothing feels ok. For Anita Bhagwandas, this started when she was a child and it created an enduring internal torment about her looks.We’re all told that this is just part of growing up, but it stays with us, evolving as we age. The internet tells us we should love ourselves, whilst bombarding us with images of airbrushed perfection, upholding centuries-old beauty standards which we can’t always see. Our beauty rituals are so often based around things we think we need to fix, grow and develop – sometimes tipping into dangerous obsession.So, what seismic shift does it take to break free from this mentality? In Ugly, Anita uncovers where these beauty standards started, unpicks why they’ve been perpetuated and unmasks the structures that continue to support them. From the ever-growing cosmetic surgery industry, to the hidden pitfalls of ‘pretty privilege’, it is time to finally break free from those limiting beauty standards, because feeling ugly should have nothing to do with how we look, and everything to do with who wants us to feel lacking.

Additional information

Weight 0.453 kg
Dimensions 22.2 × 14.4 × 3.2 cm










306.4613 (edition:23)


General – Trade / Code: K


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